How to get copper auburn hair at home + How to erase purple/burgundy/red tones

How to get copper auburn hair + How to erase purple/burgundy/red tones

Wow. I have some serious nostalgia going on right now! In case you haven’t already guessed – it’s a hair dye ‘How to’ / ‘What I did’ post!  If you’ve been around here a while, I’m guessing you’ll remember a time when I dyed my hair and blogged about it almost every week. Like many people, no doubt you most likely found me through one of my many, many, many hair dye posts.

It all started back in 2013 with this: ‘How to get fire engine red hair’ post – I urge you to click the link for some serious lols. From a personal point of view, I’ve been messing about with my hair since I was around 11/12 years of age and do I regret it? Sure, to some extent, I’d love to see what my natural hair colour actually is, however, experimenting with my hair is a way of expression for me and I love to try new things, whether it be pink hair, lilac hair or blonde hair. That being said, I’d say that I’m most comfortable and most ‘me’ with some kind of reddish toned hair. And that is exactly what prompted me to try something new this week… Copper auburn hair.

You’ve already had a sneaky peaky of how it turned out in the picture above…however, if you want to know the steps I went through to achieve it, keep reading! Keep it in mind though that everyone’s hair is different and what worked for me, (which let’s face it, it was a total blag!) may not yield the same colour outcome for you. Without stating the obvious, I’m not a pro hairdresser I just muck about pretending I am.

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