5 signs that a company is stringing you along

When you’re at the mercy of someone else’s decision, whether that be in a job interview process, a potential new business pitch, or even in a personal relationship, it can be difficult to not feel a sense of failure and disappointment when you’ve poured your heart and soul into something, …

How to make working from home, work for you

Working from the comfort of your own home can quite often sound like the ideal scenario. Picture yourself now, you’re able to work uninterrupted and surrounded by your very own sights, sounds and smells. There is also really no need to change out of your pyjamas either…. Is there? No …

5 ways to give better feedback via email

It all sounds so obvious I know, but hear me out I cut my teeth in a digital marketing agency. Working agency side means that by nature, I work across multiple accounts every. single. day. Broadly speaking, I’m spinning those plates and directing my attention to different projects and different …

How to stand out in a crowded industry

They say that comparison is the thief of all joy, and they, whoever they may be…are right. When it feels like hundreds of people are already doing the same thing you’re currently doing, or want to do – It can be all too easy to wonder: ‘What is the point in trying?’ Someone …