This week marks a special week in the Macmillan cancer support calendar, it is the #shaveorstyle fundraising week which allows anyone to get involved by shaving or styling their hair to raise some money for the support of sufferers and relatives of cancer.
People facing cancer experience hair loss and changes to their appearances that affects everything from how they look, to how they feel by taking part in the #shaveorstyle campaign you are standing proudly alongside these incredibly brave people fighting cancer.
Many people (like myself) get into a routine of styling our hair in the same way everyday so this is the perfect opportunity for us to all to give something new a try.
When Macmillan asked if I would like to take part in the #shaveorstyle campaign I was thrilled as I know through my late grandfather’s battle with cancer that Macmillan do a fantastic job in caring for not only those suffering with cancer but also their family’s too.
On Saturday I was invited to the iconic Michael John salon in Knightsbridge where the fantastic stylist Jon Monks helped me to create my perfect hair style that is super quick and easy to re-create.
 I really love festival ,boho, loose waves paired with a messy french plait so I took Jon some pictures for inspiration and he came up with a modern, sexy style.
All you need to re-create this look is:
 A handful of bobby pins
A bobble
Some ghd’s or a curling wand.
Due to my over processed hair being rather delicate at the moment, Jon began by giving my hair a deep treatment using the Kerastase ‘Masque Force Architecte’ which is the best reconstructer that anybody has ever used on my hair, you apply the treatment and then apply a little warmth to work the magic.
Once my hair was rinsed and feeling amazingly nourished and soft, Jon applied a little product to my damp hair, the Elixir Kultime to nourish my hair with argan oil and the Denimorphose mousse to add volume and texture.

After blow drying my fringe straight Jon sectioned off other areas of my hair and pointed the hair dryer downwards so that the follicles shut making my hair look less dull and more shiny.
Next up is was time to use Jon’s trusty, hot pink ghd’s to create some super loose waves in my hair, curling alternate pieces both away and towards my head.
Now, you could just leave it there, very Sienna Miller-esc if I do say so myself however, I wanted to take it a step further.
Due to my hair having various areas of breakage a french plait wouldn’t have been possible however, Jon suggested a messy plait created by pulling random pieces of hair together would look just as cool and even more bed head.

To complete the look Jon used bobby pins to twist the back of my hair up, you can be as messy as you like with these because the more ‘slept in’ it looks – the better.
And there you have it, my perfect boho, summer up do.
Why not recreate this style whilst raising money for Macmillan by snapping a selfie of your very own boho, summer up do, sharing it on social media using the hashtag #bohochic to @shaveorstyle and donating £3 by texting STYLE to 70550.

For more information on the Macmillan #shaveorstyle campaign click HERE

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